Employee Benefits
at St. Joe County Public Library
Insurance Coverage
The Library offers a traditional copay PPO health insurance plan through Allied with a modest in-network deductible of $500 for individuals $1000 for families*. The Library pays 80% of health care premiums. The employee portion of bi-weekly premiums are as follows:
Individual - $82.70
Individual/Children - $144.72
Individual/Spouse - $160.80
Family - $201.00*Medicare Supplement Plan also available to those who qualify for Medicare. Please contact Human Resources for more information. Learn more at Allied MRF.
Dental Insurance is available through Mutual of Omaha. Semi-monthly premiums (no premium due on 3rd pay period of the month) are as follows:
Individual - $13.55
Individual/Spouse - $32.29
Individual/Children - $40.45
Family - $56.62 -
Vision insurance is available through Mutual of Omaha. Semi-monthly premiums (no premium due on 3rd pay period of the month) are as follows:
Individual - $2.70
Individual/Spouse - $5.27
Individual/Children - $4.70
Family - $7.27 -
SJCPL pays 100% of the premium, less $.01 per month for a $30,000 policy for full time staff. No family coverage is available
Two flexible spending account options are available through iSolved: a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA). The maximum annual account contributions are as follows:
HCFSA - $3,300
DCFSA - $5,000 -
For injuries or illness, SJCPL pays 50% of regular pay (not to exceed $1,500.00 per month) for full time staff.
Depending on your personal situation, basic life insurance might not be enough coverage for your needs. SJCPL provides employees with the option to purchase additional life insurance at group rates through Reliance Standard. The Library also provides employees with the opportunity to purchase life insurance coverage for their legal spouse and eligible children.
Employees who pay premiums for health, dental and/or vision coverage may do so on a tax-free basis. Federal income, social security and state taxes are waived.
Retirement Benefits
Benefits include a Pension and an Annuity Savings Account. Employees are vested with 10 or more years of service. Learn more at in.gov.
• Pension: Monthly benefit for life with no employee contribution.
• Annuity Savings Account: Employees contribute 3% of gross wages. -
Employees may set aside compensation through payroll deduction in this optional retirement plan. Federal, state and local income taxes are deferred on the compensation invested. Several investment options are available
Vacation & Sick Leave
Hired to work 20-29 hours per week:
1.33 hours/month of vacation time (16 hours yearly)Hired to work 30-39 hours per week:
2 hours/month of vacation time (24 hours yearly) -
10.66 hours/month (128 hrs. yearly) through the 4th year of service
13.96 hours/month (167.6 hrs. yearly) beginning the 5th year of service
17.36 hours/month (208.4 hrs. yearly) beginning the 10th year of service
18.67 hours/month (224 hrs. yearly) beginning the 15th year of service
20.67 hours/month (248 hrs. yearly) beginning the 20th year of service
17.36 hours/month (208.4 hrs. yearly) through the 14th year of service
18.67 hours/month (224 hrs. yearly) beginning the 15th year of service
20.67 hours/month (248 hrs. yearly) beginning the 20th year of service
All active regular employees will receive the following amounts semi-annually, on January 1 and July 1:
Part-Time - Hired to work 0-19 Hours Per Week: 8 Hours (16 hrs. annually)
Part-Time - Hired to work 20-29 Hours Per Week: 24 Hours (48 hrs. annually)
Part-Time - Hired to work 30-39 Hours Per Week: 36 Hours (72 hrs. annually)
Full-Time: 40 Hours (80 hrs. annually)
Upon hire, new employees will receive the prorated semi-annual amount based on hire date.
Holiday Pay
The St. Joe County Public Library is closed and Paid Time Off will be paid for the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve (December 24)
- Christmas Day (December 25)
Other Benefits
All employees are eligible for free and confidential short-term counseling services through New Avenues for employees and immediate family members.
Employees who have completed 6 months of employment are eligible for a partial tuition reimbursement for undergrad or graduate coursework.
Those completing their Indiana Librarian Certification may be eligible to receive a full reimbursement for classes that are required for certification.